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What Does AGILE mean?
AGILE is an acronym for Adolescent Girls Initiative for Learning and Empowerment, a World Bank-assisted project implemented by the Federal Ministry of Education.
Who are the AGILE Project’s targeted beneficiaries and why?
a. The targeted beneficiaries are adolescent girls aged between 10 and 20 in the implementing states. b. Adolescent girls in Nigeria are generally faced with peculiar challenges which either exclude them from education or prevent them from completing secondary education amongst other things. Those challenges include Gender Based Violence (GBV), Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Rape/ Early marriage, cost of Schooling, cultural, and religious beliefs, etc.
Who are the implementing states?
The current implementing states are Borno, Ekiti, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, and Plateau. 11 states have indicated interest to join the project soon.
What are the AGILE Project’s components?
i. Component 1: Creating Safe And Accessible Learning Spaces ii. Component 2: Fostering an Enabling Environment for Girls iii. Component 3: Project Management and System Strengthening
Who are the implementers?
There is a Federal team known as the National Coordinating Unit (NPCU), headed by a National Project Coordinator. The State Implementing teams known as State Project Implementing Units (SPIU), are headed by State Project Coordinators, (SPC).
What are the roles of the NPCU and the SPIUs?

a. The role of the National Project Coordinating Unit (NPCU): Coordinates the States’ activities. Provides guidance for the implementing states. Supports all the states’ activities. Serves as a link between the World Bank, SPIUs, and other relevant stakeholders. Monitors all the activities of implementing states to ensure that they are properly done in line with the guidelines of the Federal Government / World Bank. Evaluates the activities of the states to ensure accurate data collection and reporting.

b. The role of the SPIU is to implement the AGILE Project in the respective states, in accordance with the stipulations of the Federal Government and World Bank.

What Strategy does the AGILE Project employ to achieve its PDO?
The Project uses a comprehensive approach to address critical binding constraints adolescent girls face that limit their abilities to complete secondary school, by using the school, family, community platforms, prominent personalities and platforms, media, and other relevant bodies to empower adolescent girls. This approach consists of interventions aimed at enhancing girls’ access, retention, and completion of secondary education as well as the provision of opportunities for them to acquire critical life skills.
Need More Help?

The Adolescent Girls Initiative for Learning and Empowerment, (AGILE) Project is a World Bank assisted project of the Federal Ministry of Education geared at improving secondary education opportunities for adolescent girls aged between 10 and 20. AGILE Project of Federal Ministry of Education

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